

Little Maggots Music Video

8 years, 3 months ago Uncategorized

The saying “Better Late then Never” should have been an album title… After a decade, we finally finished the video for “Little Maggot’s from Decomposer. What better way to celebrate our 10 Year anniversary than releasing it for your enjoyment.

We would like to thank our friends Alternative Press for their never-ending support and their encouragement to premiere it with them. Follow this link for the magic… and PLEASE share it, repost it and get it out to everyone and anyone you know on your socials!!!! We hope to see you on tour in Australia, Chicago, LA, Atlanta and New York in May and June.

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Decomposer in Australia!

8 years, 5 months ago Decomposer, Tour


Oh hello Australia… so we have ourselves a confirmed tour of Australia for #Decomposer! 

Pre sale tickets will be available starting
Tue Feb 16th 2 pm PST/Weds 17th Feb - Early Bird Pre-Sale Tickets 9 am AEST

General sales will begin onThursday Feb 18th 2 pm PST/Friday 19th Feb 9am AEST -

Pre-sale is available to people who sign up for a Select Touring/Taperjean Music email list or are already on the email list.  So get on that!!!

You asked, we had to do it!  Let’s do this… tell your friends!  Make us feel welcome… you are our second home you know…

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